
Clojure A Day– Error Handling

You can’t program in a language where you don’t understand how errors are handled.


Nothing terribly new to learn here if you come from a Java/.NET background– clojure has try/catch/finally error handling. Same sort of propagation.


;; error handling

(defn throw-err []
  ;; start our "try block"
    ;; what's 5 divided by zero again?
    (/ 5 0)
    ;; output the what the error is
    (catch Exception e (str "exception was " (.getMessage e)))
    ;; no matter what, let's end by printing "oh well"
    (finally prn "oh well")))

;; run the function above here
;; returns "exception was Divide by zero"
;; outputs "oh well" at the end as well
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