
Clojure + MS SQL Azure

Surprisingly easy to get set up. Here’s the steps:

** Init Your Lein Project **

If you don’t already have an existing lein project setup, run lein new [proj name] in order to get a lein project setup. This will give you a project.clj file which is necessary for following steps.

** Download the MS SQL JDBC Jars**

At the time of writing, these are here.

** Add the Jars to Your Project **

To do this:

  • Add the jar files to your /resources directory
  • Add the jars to your classpath via adding the following to your project.clj file:
:resource-paths ["resources/sqljdbc4.jar" "resources/sqljdbc.jar"]

** Add Clojure JDBC Jars **

Also ensure that you have the following dependencies registered in your project.clj.

  :dependencies [
                 [org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
                 [org.clojure/java.jdbc "0.3.6"]

After you have done this, run lein deps to install the dependencies.

** Add The Code! **

Last step! Here is some example code that connects to sql azure and runs a query:

(ns cljs-sqltest.core
  ;; register the jdbc namespace here
  (:use [])

(def db-spec {:classname ""
              :subprotocol "sqlserver"
              :subname "//your.db.address:1433;Initial Catalog=dbname;"
              :database "dbname"
              :user "dbusername"
              :password "dbpassword"})

(with-db-connection [connection db-spec]
  (let [rows (query connection
                         ["select * from People"])]
    ;; this would output the "name" column in the People db
    (doseq [row rows] (println (:name row)))))

Thats It!

Not bad!

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