
Clojure A Day– Lists

Lists are central to clojure as they are to other lisps. If you’re not familiar with lisps, a strangely interesting part of clojure/lisps is that all data/functions/everything are in a sense, a list. If you’re interested in diving more into this I would recommend reading John Hughes’s paper “Why Functional Programming Matters”. For now we’re going to focus on lists in the classical/data structure sense.

The List Data Structure (first and rest)

;; make a list
(list 1 2 3)

;; make a list via quoting
'(1 2 3)

;; make a list named "a-list"
(def a-list '(1 2 3))

;; first and rest-- basis of list functions
(first a-list) ;; returns 1
(rest a-list) ;; returns (2 3)

We’re talking about linked lists here. Lists in clojure have similar properties to other FP lists; namely that you only have access to the list via two functions:

  • the first element of the list via the first function
  • the elements that are not the first element via the rest function

If you want an element that’s deeper into the list, you gotta do the work to get there; you can’t immediately jump to the element at index N in a list. You have to move from the beginning of the list to there.

;; function to get an element at index X in a list
(defn list-get [li index]
  (loop [iter index 
         the-list li]
     ;; if the list is at this point empty, return nil
     (empty? the-list) 
     ;; if the list is at this point zero, return the first element
     (zero? iter) 
       (first the-list)
     ;; else recurse deeper into the rest of the list
        (recur (dec iter) (rest the-list) ))))

(list-get '(1 2 3) 1) ;; returns 2

All based on first and rest! That’s just how list works.

So when you think about lists in clojure from here on out, you will only think “first and rest”. Lists in clojure = only first and rest. Say it a few times. Great.

It’s important to know how functions work on empty lists.

;; rest and first on empty lists stay classy
(def empty-list '())
(rest empty-list) ;; returns ()
(first empty-list) ;; returns nil

Peek and Pop

peek and pop supposedly help implement queue functionality? I think they’re redundant and not as cool as first and rest.

;; peek and pop on empty lists throw exceptions, FYI
(def a-list '(1 2 3))
(peek a-list) ;; returns 1
(pop a-list) ;; returns (2 3)

Modifying Lists

Lists in clojure are immutable, persistent data structures. This means that you cannot change a list. All functions that modify lists actually return new lists– the “source list” remains unchanged.

Let’s investigate this:

;; lists are peristent, immutable
(def list1 '(1 2 3))

;; cons adds an element to the front of a list
;; and returns a new list
(def list2 (cons 0 list1))

list1 ;; it's (1 2 3)
list2 ;; it's (0 1 2 3)

See– in the example above we couldn’t modify the list.

A strange thing about lists– you can really only change the list in respect to the first element. For instance, you can’t add an element to the end of a list easily in clojure.

Other Notable List Functions


count returns the number of items in the list in O(1) time, surprisingly. So (count '(1 2 3)) would return 3.


conj is short for conjoin. It’s like cons with the args reversed– (conj '() 0) returns the list (0).


empty? returns true/false for if the list is empty.


distinct? returns true/false for if all elements are distinct.

All Code Is Lists

Check this out:

;; throwing quotes in front of functions
;; cause we're acting like functions are lists....
(first '(defn hi [] (prn "hi")))

It returns defn! Functions are lists!

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